SAE is the place where we had a lot of firsts. It’s the place where we first ventured out of our hometowns, the first place we bonded to on campus, and the place where we first learned the true meaning of friendship. Read on to see what your brothers said on how SAE impacted their lives.
Berger says that SAE – and rush especially – prepared him for life. “We had a very short period of time to make a positive first impression that determined success or failure, which is more real world than anything else in college.” – Eric Berger ‘87
“I have stayed friends with the brothers. I lived with Chris Viadro ‘89 and Tim Ballard ‘89 in San Francisco for a year after law school. The 50th Birthday celebration in Chicago for Lee Shavel ‘89 was awesome.” – Paul F. Schuster ‘89
“It made a big-time impact on me. My two best friends to this day are brothers, and I’ve kept up with others. I am proud to tell people I was a SAE and have met many others from other schools. Being a member opened my world to others that came from different backgrounds than myself.” – Steven Robert Sloan ‘77